EPFL OpenSearch
This is a collection of search plugins for EPFL using OpenSearch. It's hosted on GitHub pages.
List of EPFL OpenSearch
- EPFL Geoportail (Geoportail is the internal geolocation tool at EPFL)
- EPFL Search images (Search EPFL images)
- EPFL Infoscience (Infoscience is the EPFL institutional archive)
- EPFL Search inside (Search EPFL inside)
- EPFL Library (BEAST — Books, Ebooks and Articles Search Tool)
- EPFL Network (Search the EPFL network)
- EPFL News (Search the EPFL news)
- EPFL People (Search the EPFL people directory)
- EPFL Map (Search EPFL map)
- EPFL Units (Search the EPFL units directory)
- EPFL Search (Search EPFL)
- EPFL ServiceNow (Search EPFL ServiceNow)
How to
There are a few things to do in order to use OpenSearch efficiently in your browser.
Add them all
The easiest way to add them to Firefox is to show the search bar in
toolbar. To do so, open Firefox's settings, go to Search > Search Bar
and choose "Add search bar in toolbar":
Then reload the page; you should see a "+" icon on the magnifying-glass
in the search bar. Click on it and add the OpenSearch you want:
Use them with shortcuts
Once again, open Firefox's settings, go to Search > Search Shortcuts:
from there you can define a search shortcut for every OpenSearch you've
Now that they are installed, you can switch back to the "Use the address
bar for search and navigation". With shortcuts defined, you can use them
to select a search engine:
💡 Use keyboard shortcut F6 or ctrl+k
to highlight the URL bar.
First EPFL search plugins were created by Nicolas Borboën in 2009. You can contribute to this repository by opening a issue or a pull request .